About Harvey Payne

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Thank you for your interest in Harvey Payne Photography.

If you would like to purchase usage rights or a print of one of our photographs, please contact us regarding your request.

Please note the name of any photograph in which you are interested.

Harvey Payne

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Landscape photography shows spaces within the world, sometimes vast and unending, but other times microscopic. Landscape photographs attempts to capture the presence of nature, typically with little or no human activity.

A good photograph is knowing where to stand.

Ansel Adams

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Wildlife photography is one of the more challenging forms of photography. Some animals are difficult to approach and thus a knowledge of the animal's behavior is needed in order to be able to predict its actions.

While wildlife photographs can be taken using basic equipment, successful photography of some types of wildlife requires specialist equipment. However, a great wildlife photograph can also be the result of being in the right place at the right time.

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